What to Expect

This is what you can expect on a Sunday at Two Saints

  • The first part of the service is the gathering.  People will enter the church and pray after they have settled in their seats.
  • The service begins with some kind of procession led by a cross and the ministers.  Sometimes there will be a gospel book-bearer, maybe acolytes with candles.
  • The service begins with a dialogue between the priest and the people - "Blessed be God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit."
  • Sometimes the Kyrie (Lord have mercy) will be said.  At other times the Glory to God in the Highest (Gloria in Excelcis Deo) will be said or sung.
  • We hear the Word of God from the lectionary that include Old Testament, Psalm, New Testament, and the Gospel. 
  • Yes there is a sermon - not too long and not too short, but just right.
  • We say the Nicene Creed after the sermon that summarizes our Christian faith.
  • We pray for the World and the Church in the Prayers of the People
  • We pray for forgiveness of our sins and the priest will say a prayer about God forgiving our sins.
  • We share an exchange of the Peace of Christ.
  • Announcements about special events, or news important to the life of the parish is shared.
  • The altar is set for Holy Communion also known as the Lord's Supper.  We also call this the Eucharist which means "thanksgiving."
  • The bread is broken, and distributed with wine to the congregation.  We pray afterwards thanking God for what we have received.
  • The priest offers a final blessing, and a final hymn is sung.  We are dismissed with a reminder to go in peace to love and serve the Lord.  The people respond with thanks to God.

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